The Law on the protection from harassment at work provides for legal protection of workers who suffer any form of harassment at work, which can cause damages of physical, psychological or sexual nature.
In regards to that, this institution has adopted a Rulebook on procedures of protection from harassment at work, which in accordance with the Law on protection from harassment at work, prescribes the manner of submitting a request for protection from harassment at work, the manner of naming a committee that conducts the procedure of protection from harassment at work, the person to whom the request is submitted, manner of providing confidentiality of data and other issues important for the procedure of protection from harassment at work.
Besides the procedure of legal protection by the employer, a worker can seek protection with the Agency for reconciliation of legal disputes, with the authorised court (with obligation of addressing the employer first with the request for protection from harassment at work, except in exceptional cases), as well as with the competent inspection service (Administrative Inspection Service).
You can download the Rulebook at the following link:
Rulebook on the procedure of protection from harassment at work