The Administration for Inspection Affairs of the Republic of Srpska became a CIS Collaboration Centre in November 2007. CIS (Centre international d’information de securite et de sante au travail) is a global Occupational Safety and Health Knowledge Network with the head office in Geneva. CIS was founded in 1959 as a joint endeavour of the ILO, the International Social Security Association (ISSA), the European Coal and Steel Community and the occupational safety and health authorities of 11 European countries. The original 11-member network of National Centres has grown to cover 100 countries all over the world. Its goal is to ensure that workers and everyone concerned with their protection have access to the facts they need to prevent occupational injuries and diseases. CIS continuously monitors world literature on occupational safety and health, and summaries and citations of the most useful publications, as well as products based on the collected information, are disseminated electronically and in print.
With the evolution of European institutions, CIS now enjoys the support of the European Commission.
You can visit the CIS website at:
- Конвенција о заштити на раду
- Конвенција о службама медицине рада
- Конценција о промотивном оквиру заштите на раду
- Сеулска декларација о безбједности и заштити на раду
- Извјештај са 47. састанка ЦИС центара
- Садржај Енциклопедије заштите на раду Међународне организације рада
- Извјештај са 48. састанка ЦИС центара
- Регионални састанак ЦИС центара, Лондон - Презентација Инспектората Републике Српске