ICIS-The Improving Investment Climate and Institutional Strengthening Project

The Improving Investment Climate and Institutional Strengthening Project – ICIS is in a way the continuation of the structural adjustment of favourable investment climate (continuation of the BAC project) and it is based on positive experience of the European Union. The project is financed by a grant from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), and administered by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (WB IBRD). The amount of funds intended for the Republic of Srpska is 1,500,000 USD, and the project is planned to last for 5 years.

The aims of the project are: decreasing administrative barriers for businesses, establishing data exchange between relevant institutions in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, improving inspection work and streamlining procedures for registering and closing businesses.

The direct participants in the project from the Republic of Srpska are: the Administration for Inspection Affairs, the Agency for Information Society and the General Secretariat of the Government – IT Sector.

The Administration for Inspection Affairs (who are going to establish the Project Implementation Unit – PIU to handle financial management and purchases within the project) is going to lead Component II of the project which involves further strengthening of capacities of the Republic of Srpska Inspection System which involves:

  • introducing risk management system into inspection work and provide exchange of information and “Risk-based inspections” concept in accordance with EU recommendations:
  • development of inspection check lists harmonised with EU practices;
  • strengthening inspection institutional capacities, including training of inspectors on EU standards, study visits in order to learn best EU practices;
  • establishing contemporary internal control, and improving inspection surveillance of the market and improving inspections in the area of food safety at the entity level, including improving relevant regulations in the area of inspection surveillance.

ICIS Project Procurement Plan

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